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Baptism - Infant

It is always a joyful experience for us to welcome a new Christian into the Church and into our parish community.  Through baptism, your child will be adopted into God’s family, receive the grace of salvation won for us by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, and have life in the Holy Spirit. 

0-6 years old

Program Contact

Claudia Avena

Baptism Coordinator (Bilingüe)


We are excited to be a part of your child’s relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church through the Sacrament of Baptism! It is always a joyful experience for us to welcome a new Christian into the Church and into our parish community.  Through baptism, your child will be adopted into God’s family, receive the grace of salvation won for us by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, and have life in the Holy Spirit.  As the doorway into God’s Church, Baptism enables your child to grow in holiness by receiving the other Sacraments as they mature.

Let us know if you need any assistance with the registration process.  If you prefer, we are happy to set up an appointment to meet in person to guide you through the steps or answer any questions you may have about infant baptism.


Preparation for Registration

If you can answer YES to all the questions below, you may be ready to request the Sacrament of Baptism for your child.  After you attend the Baptism Preparation Class, you will receive a Baptism Packet which contains the necessary forms and information.

  1. Is your child 6 years old or younger? 

  2. Have the parents of the child attended a Baptismal Preparation class?

  3. Are the parents of the child registered parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua?


Required Documents for Infant Baptism

1. Sacrament of Baptism Request FormComplete the Parent Baptismal Preparation Interest Form for more information on how to get started. Upon submitting this form, our Baptism coordinator will get in touch with you for further instructions.

2. Verification of Completion of Baptism Preparation class for both parents. If parents attended a Baptism Preparation class within the past three years at a parish other than St Anthony of Padua, you will need to obtain and submit a verification of where and when the class was completed.

3. Godparent Information Forms must be completed and signed by the godparent – one for each godparent.  You will find the requirements and obligations for godparents listed in your Baptismal Pack or download a copy here: 

4. Official Birth Certificate. We will need a copy of your child’s official Birth Certificate as soon as possible. The latest this copy may be submitted is 2 weeks prior to your scheduled baptism in order to create your child’s Baptismal Certificate.

5. Parish Registration. You will need to provide your parishioner registration number you received when you submitted the "join our parish" form.

  • If you do not know your number, send an inquiry to 

  • If you are not a member of our parish, we will need to receive a Letter of Assurance from the pastor of your current church.

  • If you need a Letter of Assurance from St Anthony of Padua because your child is celebrating baptism at another Catholic parish, contact Sue Dewlen with your request.



Reserve Baptism Ceremony Date. To reserve a ceremony you must turn in ALL documentation required to the parish office. All registration packets will be processed on a first come first serve basis. Priority will be given to active parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua. Two weeks before the Ceremony, available spots will be open to non-parishioners.

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