Baptism - Youth
Rite of Christian Initiation adapted for Children. Children that are at least 7 years old and in grades 1- 12th grade and have not been baptized or were baptized in a faith other than the Catholic Church will be placed in our wonderful program, RCIA for Children.
7-18 years old
Program Contact
If you are interested in learning more about your child becoming Catholic, please read through the information below. Children who are at least 7 years old and in grades 1st - 12th grade and have not been baptized or were baptized in a faith other than the Catholic Church will be placed in our wonderful program, Becoming Catholic for Children.
We require that the child attends at least one year of Faith Formation prior to entering their second year towards becoming Catholic. Children should also attend Mass weekly with their families. If your child has not received any formation up to this point, please enroll them in a year of Faith Formation during open registration in August. Program registration is closed for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation year.
Enrolled children and teens who haven’t been baptized in any faith will receive Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation during the Easter Vigil Mass. All the children and teens who were baptized in a faith other than Catholic will make a Profession of Faith, and receive First Holy Communion and Confirmation during the Divine Mercy Sunday Mass.
7 Years to 8th Grade
OCIA for Children participants attend faith formation as they did in the first year of preparation, and then meet once a month for sacrament-specific formation.
YEAR 1 : Child will attend weekly Faith Formation classes
YEAR 2 : OCIA participants and their families will sit together at the 9:00 am Mass on Sundays. During Mass, the children are dismissed after the homily (around 9:30) for Breaking Open the Word (BOW). After Breaking Open the Word, they attend their weekly OCIC session until 11:15 am. Parents join the children at the once-a-month sessions after attending the 9AM Mass.
9th to 12th Grade
High school-aged children will participate in Youth Ministry programs for 2 years. The second year of formation will take place on Wednesday nights as a part of the Teen Confirmation Program, which meets on Wednesday Nights, instead of the Sunday morning classes.
YEAR 1: Teen will attend weekly Faith Formation classes
YEAR 2: High school aged children will participate in Youth Ministry programs for 2 years. The second year of formation will take place on Wednesday nights as a part of the Teen Confirmation Program, which meets on Wednesday Nights, instead of the Sunday morning classes.