Christ instituted the sacraments of the new law. There are seven: Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian's life of faith. There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life. - CCC 1210
Please note: Preparation for the sacraments looks different for each age group. See below for more information on the different programs.
Baptism - Infant
0-6 years old
It is always a joyful experience for us to welcome a new Christian into the Church and into our parish community. Through baptism, your child will be adopted into God’s family, receive the grace of salvation won for us by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, and have life in the Holy Spirit.
Baptism - Youth
7-18 years old
Rite of Christian Initiation adapted for Children. Children that are at least 7 years old and in grades 1- 12th grade and have not been baptized or were baptized in a faith other than the Catholic Church will be placed in our wonderful program, RCIA for Children.
Baptism - Adult
18+ years old
Are you thinking about becoming Catholic? Do you desire to follow Jesus Christ for the rest of your life? This is the first step in a lifelong journey of discipleship! This is the Catholic Church’s process to bring adults, through study, spiritual growth, and community, into the heart of the Kingdom of Heaven.
First Reconciliation - Child
2nd-8th Grade
Our Sacrament Preparation (First Reconciliation and First Communion) program is a collaboration between our Parish, the Family and the Child. Click below to find out more about the program, requirements, and registration.
First Reconciliation - Teen
9th-12th Grade
Our Sacrament Preparation (First Reconciliation and First Communion) program for high schoolers is a collaboration between our Parish, the Family and the teen. Click below to find out more about the program, requirements, and registration.
First Reconciliation - Adult
18+ years old
First Reconciliation and First Communion will be through our Adult Confirmation Program – Participants will receive their First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. During the Fall Semester, Adult Confirmation preparation is offered through an 8-10 week course.
First Communion - Child
2nd-8th Grade
Our Sacrament Preparation (First Reconciliation and First Communion) program is a collaboration between our Parish, the Family and the Child. Click below to find out more about the program, requirements, and registration.
First Communion - Teen
9th-12th Grade
Our Sacrament Preparation (First Reconciliation and First Communion) program for high schoolers is a collaboration between our Parish, the Family and the teen. Click below to find out more about the program, requirements, and registration.
First Communion - Adult
18+ years old
First Reconciliation and First Communion will be through our Adult Confirmation Program – Participants will receive their First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. During the Fall Semester, Adult Confirmation preparation is offered through an 8-10 week course.
Confirmation - Teen
9th-12th Grade
We prepare high school teens over a two year period for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Candidates for Confirmation may begin preparation in 9th, 10th, or 11th of high school by attending Life Teen their first year. The following year, Confirmation Year 2 is the next step to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation - Adult
18+ years old
The sealing of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation is the final sacrament of initiation into the Catholic Church. If, for whatever reason, you have not received this powerful sacrament, we encourage you to do so! During the Fall Semester, Adult Confirmation preparation is offered through an 8-10 week course.
18+ years old
Congratulations on your decision to enter Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. The celebration you are planning and the lifelong commitment you are choosing to make are signs of God’s great love for us all. Click below for information.
18+ years old
The ending of a marriage is a difficult experience. Many marriages end in divorce in spite of good intentions. We are sensitive to the pain and stress a failed marital relationship brings to those involved. We are here to assist those who want to know more about how to file a petition for an annulment.
Holy Orders
18+ years old
Houston Vocations is here to help young adults, especially young men discerning the priesthood, hear God's voice. With our coaching, they will grow in prayer and virtue, meet people who relate to what they’re going through, and discover the next step God wants them to take.
Anointing of the Sick
All Ages
Please call the Parish Office at 281-419-8700 if you have an EMERGENCY need for anointing and leave a message on our Priest Emergency line. We highly encourage anyone who is struggling with a serious illness of mind, body, or spirit, or who is anticipating surgery, to plan on attending one of our Anointing of the Sick masses.
Certificate Request
All Ages
Did you receive your sacraments here at St. Anthony’s? Are you in need of a re-issuance of one of your Certificates? If you need a new certificate, please submit an online Certificate Request Form.
All Ages
Grant us, with all who have died in the hope of resurrection, to have our consummation and bliss in thy eternal and everlasting glory, and with the blessed Virgin Mary and all thy saints, to receive the crown of life which thou dost promise to all who share in the victory of thy Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.